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Results of 'ARCHIMEDES_2010.html' Salon

Results of the 13th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies "ARCHIMEDES - 2010"

29 March - 2 April

Detail information about Salon from official site ...

  1. As "The Best invention in the sphere of nanotechnologies" is recognized the "Composite electrode materials for producing coatings dispersion-strengthened by nanoparticles". Authors: Levashov Å.À., Kudryashov A.Å., Zamulayev E.I., National university - Moscow institute of steel and alloys (NITU "ÌISiS" Moscow) ... (Detail information)

  2. As "The Best invention of NTTM" is recognized the project of young scientists of the National university "Moscow institute of steel and alloys (Moscow) - "Composite electrode materials for producing coatings dispersion-strengthened by nanoparticles" ... (Detail information)
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